
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

so behind schedule...

2 days until Thanksgiving and I'm nowhere near where I should be. Bright side: the turkey is defrosting nicely, the dining room table is lovely, I scored some great Thanksgiving decorations from Walmart at a great discount, I got a good start on a couple of Christmas presents... now I need to get my kitchen clean. Yrgh. Not my favorite thing to do. The floor, especially. Don't get me wrong, I love my kitchen floor, I do, but I think, in hindsight, I should have done a white floor with some black tiles, not a black floor with some white tiles. The black shows every little speck of flour that I drop, every little crumb. I can hear my husband's voice in my head... "I told you so...". Shhh, babe. I know. It looks awesome, as long as no one goes in there.
So, instead of doing my chores for today (cleaning the kitchen, making the cranberry chutney, cleaning the bathroom -don't get me started), I have been running around town like the proverbial chicken post-beheading, and now the kidmonkeys are visiting my lovely mother-in-law and what am I doing? Yep, blogging, checking email, paying bills (?!?), anything to keep me from doing what I need to be doing. Procrastination: It's What I Do.

And on that note, I'd better crank up the old iPod with my newest audiobook: Cursor's Fury by Jim Butcher. A great book of a pretty good series, by the way. Epic fantasy lovers should check it out. Apparently it was written on a dare. Someone told Jim Butcher that he couldn't write a good story from two crappy ideas. The two crappy ideas were the lost Roman legion and Pokemon. I like his other series, the Dresden Files, but I think that this series may become my favorite.
Seriously, one last thought before I get to work without sounding like more of a commercial than I already do, I am thankful that my darling husband is a technerd and buys me techie things that I never thought I'd need, but end up using every day. Case in point, my iPod. I accomplish so much more when I can take my brain away from whatever home-work I'm doing and listen to a story or podcast. Never thought I'd be one of those people... ah well.

Back to work!
Happy Turkey Day! Eat lots and take long, comfy naps!

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